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Shipping Rate and Policy


Shipping Rate


The default carrier - Austrian Post


Within the EU:

Orders over €149 will be shipped for free, under €149 will be charged a flat rate of €15.


Within Austria:

Orders over €39 will be shipped for free, under €39 will be charged a flat rate of €4.

Pickup or delivery service available. 


The rest of the world:

Orders over €179 will be shipped for free, under €179 will be charged a flat rate of €17.9.


For the places where Austrian Post could not be shipping to, we will inform you of the other shipping methods.



Shipping from China:

According to your preference, some pre-order products could be sent out from China through our partner, so that you could receive the parcel faster. The shipping cost will be charged a flat rate of €10, over €139 will be shipped for free.


How long will it take for my package to arrive?

We will process the deal as soon as possible, usually within 1-3 working days.


Usually, parcels within the EU will arrive at your door in 3-7 working days after being ordered. For the rest of the world,  the parcel will arrive at your door in  1-4  working weeks after being ordered. 



Orders are shipped to the shipping address as provided at checkout. We are not responsible for orders sent to incorrectly provided addresses or orders that are lost due to delivery to an unsecured location. Please contact us at when you have any further questions.


Can I get my package faster?

If you have a shipping preference such as express mails, please contact us in advance and we will arrange the ideal shipping methods based on your choice.


Do I need to pay the tax or duty on my own?

Yes. If any tax or duty is applied in your country, we will be not obligated for it and you have to cover it yourself.


Can I return the product?

Due to the hygienic considerations,  









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